Three types of GDS posts are there in Indiapost – BPM, ABPM and Dak Sevak
The Job Profile of Branch Post Master include:
- Day to day postal operations of Branch Post Office and India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) in the manner as prescribed by the Department from time to time.
- Marketing and promotions of products and services being provided by Department and operating various services in the Customer Services’ Centres (CSC) of the Department etc.
- In the single handed BOs, BPMs have the overall responsibility of smooth and timely functioning of Branch Post Office including mail conveyance and mail delivery.
- In the BOs other than single-handed, the BPMs may be assisted by ABPM. However, BPM will be required to do combined duties of ABPMs as and when ordered. Any other work can also be assigned by superiors like IPO/ASPO/SPOs/SSPOs etc.
- Residence/Accommodation: The applicant selected as GDS BPM will have to provide accommodation for Branch Post Office after selection but before engagement. A declaration to this effect with details of accommodation is to be submitted before engagement. The applicant so selected will be required to reside in Post village (the village in which the BO is functioning) only. The accommodation should meet the standards as prescribed by this Directorate letter No. 17-02/2018-GDS dated 08.03.2019 as amended from time to time.
The Job Profile of Assistant Branch Post Master include:
- Sale of stamps/stationery, conveyance and delivery of mail at doorstep, deposits/payments/other transactions of IPPB.
- To assist BPM in postal operations in a manner as prescribed by the Department from time to time.
- Marketing and promotions of products and services being provided by Department and operating various services in the Customer Services’ Centres (CSC) of the Department etc.
- ABPM may also be required to do Combined Duty of BPMs as and when ordered in addition to his/her regular duties.
- Any other work assigned by superiors like IPO/ASPO/SPOs/SSPOs etc.
- Residence: ABPMs are required to reside within delivery jurisdictions of the Post Office (HO/SO/BO) concerned.
Dak Sevaks will be engaged in Departmental offices like Sub Post offices, Head Post offices etc. The Job Profile of Dak Sevak include:-
- Sale of stamps/stationery, conveyance and delivery of mail at doorstep, deposits/payments/other transactions of IPPB and any other duties assigned by Postmaster/Sub Postmaster.
- Dak Sevaks may have to work in sorting offices of Railway Mail Service (RMS).
- Dak Sevaks in the Mail offices will handle receipt- dispatch of mail bags, transhipment of bags etc.
- Dak Sevaks will also assist Post Masters/Sub Postmasters in managing the smooth functioning of Departmental Post Offices and do marketing, business procurement or any other work assigned by the Post Master or IPO/ASPO/SPOs/SSPOs/SRM/SSRM etc.
- Residence: Dak Sevaks are required to reside within delivery jurisdictions of the Post Office (HO/SO/BO) concerned.